On March 1st we had our second last Southern Counties Winter Interclub held at The Crumlin Sportsman Association.
We thought the blue sky was going to come out and keep us warm, but a cold south wind picked up to make the targets dance and keep us on our toes.
Holding an event with this many shooters is no easy task but The Crumlin Trap Section did an amazing job making the event run smoothly.
It was a nail biting shoot this time; the scores were very close. Only a 3 target spread between first and fourth place.
John Konigshofer was the high shooter for Otter Valley with a perfect 50 !! John would not settle for chipping targets today. Every target was centered and hit hard. Nice shooting John !!
Below are the club scores:
Otter Valley & Glencoe tied = 224 = 4.5 points
Verscholye = 223 = 3 points
Crumlin = 222 = 2 points
St Thomas = 221 = 1 points
The High Daily shooter was Jim Wood with a 47.
Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event run smoothly.
We hope to see you Sunday, March 15th at The St. Thomas Gun Club for our final Southern Counties Winter Interclub.