Section #1: Code Of Conduct
- Members and Guests must obey all of the Federal and Provincial Laws with respect to their personal conduct, in addition to the Rules established by the Board of Directors. The following code of conduct including the rules and procedures have been created by each of the following groups and endorsed by your Board of Directors in an effort to promote safe shooting practices.
- Obey and support all Range Officers commands. The Range Officer has complete authority.
- The Event Chairperson shall be the de facto “Range Officer” unless he delegates to a member selected by the group present. In the absence of a Chairperson the shooters will select a “Range Officer” from the group of shooters present. The Range Officer has full authority over the conduct of the shooters with respect to club rules.
- Shooters must maintain muzzle control in a safe direction at all times. Keep muzzle pointed down range. Pointing of a muzzle at another person is considered a serious infraction of safety.
- Paper targets only unless shooting the steel plates inside the bunkers. Steel targets must remain in the bunkers at all times.
- Eye and Ear protection is mandatory for all shooters and spectators on all shooting ranges.
- Whenever a cease-fire is called (By Anyone) all firearms must be unloaded immediately, proven safe and shown clear with actions open and step away from the firing line. All shooters must keep hands off firearms while others move downrange.
- Only load your firearm on the firing line when ready to shoot.
- Shooter must maintain muzzle control in a safe direction at all times. Keep muzzle pointed downrange. Pointing of a muzzle at another person is considered a serious infraction of safety.
- The club is private property, open only to Members and their guests.
- Do not shoot before 9 am unless it is approved by the board of directors. All shooting must end at dusk.
- All Ranges must be open with sign at gate, and signs and flags at the range intending to be used.
- After a misfire or hang-fire, the action must remain closed for 60 seconds with the muzzle pointed down range (in a safe direction).
- All members and guests must sign in and out before and after use of the range.
- All members must have range membership card visible on their person while on club property.
- When you are finished shooting remove used targets and put them in the appropriate garbage cans, also pick up shell casings/hulls and put them in brass buckets.
- Guests invited by a member may only return to the club for a max of 3 times per guest in one calendar year.
- Members must accompany guests at all times. Divulging combination lock codes to non-members is considered a serious infraction of club rules due to increased risk of accidents along with our insurance liability considerations.
- Members are responsible for the safe conduct of their guest while on club property. Guests must be familiarized with the safety rules relative to the planned activities.
- Only one Guest may shoot at any time with each available member.
- Do Not Climb Berms.
- Violation of any rule may result in removal of the shooter from the range by the Range Officer.
- Do not distract other shooters with your conduct or actions.
- All accidents and/or incidents must be reported in writing through the relative Chairperson to the Board of Directors. This will allow the Board to consider methods of avoiding such accidents and/or incidents in the future.
- Do not throw live rounds or shells into the garbage containers or on the club grounds.
- Appropriate dress must be worn. Camouflage and or military clothing is not allowed due to the loss of visibility in the undergrowth. Shooters and guests should be highly visible at all times.
- Violation of any of these safety rules may cause the Board of Directors to revoke your membership.
Section #2: Archery Range
- Access to the range is along the designated route only. Do not walk through the woods or along the creek.
- Bows and Crossbows are only to be loaded at the firing line.
- When drawing your bow keep the angle of the draw below the line of sight.
- Use a spotter at the firing line when looking for lost arrows.
- Shoot only at designated back stops or “Butts”, or 3D targets with field points only .
Section #3: Outdoor 25 – 50 – 100 – 200 Yard Ranges
- All shooting on this range is to be done from the firing line.
- No loaded firearm is to be raised above horizontal.
- Targets may only be posted on the approval of the Range Officer.
- Rifles shall be pointed “UP” when removing the “trigger lock” and /or opening the action. If on the firing line the muzzle shall be pointed downrange.
- Paper targets only on backer boards.
- Steel targets permitted inside Bunker Only.
Section #4: Trap , Sporting Clays and Patterning Board
- Shooters are to be checked in at registration desk to be squadded .
- Hand trap and throwers are to be used at trap field number 4.
- Gun actions are to be open at all times except : A)when the shooter is standing on a shooting pad or in a cage and it is their turn to shoot . B) Placing an over/under , side/side or fixed breech in the vertical gun rack .
- Do not pattern your shotgun on the trap field .
- Rifle range must be closed and vacant in order to use the patterning board . To open Patterning board range , raise flag and open sign on the pistol range .
- Shot shells only on patterning board , No slugs.
- Shoot from designated yardages only . 20 , 30 , 40 yard concrete pads when using the patterning board .
- Only one shell is to be lioaded at the trap field unless shooting doubles .
- Maximum barrel size is 12 gauge with loads not exceeding 3 1/4 dram equivalent of powder , 1 1/8 oz of shot of a size no larger than # 7.5 .
- Shooters should take turns pulling , scoring and loading machines to permit fellow members to have an enjoyable outing as well.
- Do not distract other shooters by picking up hulls during the round .
- All firearms are to be carried between stations in an unloaded and open condition and pointed down and away from you and others .
- A Yellow flag is posted above the trap house to indicate that personnel within the trap house want to exit . All firearms must be unloaded and pointed down .
Section #5 Pistol Section for the Indoor and Outdoor Range
- Approach the indoor range firing line only when the range is clear and the red light is on .
- Red light – range active .
- Green light – range safe . Shooter may retrieve target and post new one .
- Only load your firearm on the firing line when ready to shoot .
- When transporting your firearm to the firing line the firearms shall be unloaded , the action open with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction .
- Acceptable pistol range bullets are – pistol caliber , thin metal jacket , polymer , frangible and .22 rim fire . NO CENTER FIRE RIFLE .
If there is any request for an additional rule it may be brought forth to the board of directors at our monthly meeting schedule on our website calendar .