
Winter Interclub Results – Feb 23th – Otter Valley Rod & Gun Club

On Feb 24th we had another Southern Counties Winter Interclub held at Otter Valley Rod and Gun Club.

We had a beautiful day to spend time together in.  The bright sunshine kept us warm and made the targets shine.

Big thanks to the kitchen staff (Bud V and helpers). The hot coffee and excellent lunch kept everyone cheery and at the top of their game.

John Konigshofer was the high shooter for Otter Valley with a 47.    Nice shooting John !


Below are the club scores:

Glencoe = 231 = 5 points

Verscholye = 226 = 4 points

Otter Valley = 223 = 3 points

St Thomas = 223 = 3 points

Crumlin = 220 = 1 points


The High Daily shooter was Dave Cutler with a 49.

Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event run smoothly.


See you next Sunday, March 1st at The Crumlin Sportsman Club for another Southern Counties Winter Interclub.