Interclub Results

2020/2021 Winter Interclub

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No Practice rounds on the day of the shoot.

Participants will shoot a round of 16 yard targets then a round of handicap targets.

Cash prizes for High Over All, High 16 yard, High Handicap,

and High yardage group (19-20, 21-22, 23-24, 25-27).

There will be twelve events.  Your eight best scores will count to your final score.

Any Member of one of the five Southern Counties Club can participate.  If you are not a member of one of the three hosting clubs you will be “drafted” to one of the hosting clubs

Entry fee is $15 for each event.  Each shoot will begin at 11am

Food will NOT be available at the clubs

Please sign in, shoot, then leave in a timely manner to minimize number of people at the club

We are working on setting up a pre-squading with pre-determined time slots.  More info about pre-squading will be provided at the first shoot.

If you are not feeling well or have symptoms of COVID do not attend these events.

If you have been in contact with anyone who has symptoms or has tested positive for COVID do not attend these events.

Physical distancing of 6 feet must be maintained at all times.

Please bring a mask.  If physical distancing cannot be maintained you must wear a mask.

Do not gather in groups in the parking lot or around the trap fields.

The clubs and their volunteers will have many new rules and measures put in place to ensure the safety of the participants.  Please respect and follow the new guidelines set by each club so that we can all have a fun and safe time.

Please contact one of the club representatives for more information.



Guests at the Range

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The executive team has been very busy reviewing all the COVID protocols and staying on top the latest news and updates.

At this time they feel we are safe to open the range up to guests.  Please read below carefully.


All members and guests must sign in.

Members must wear / display their membership card at all times.

Members are responsible for the guest they bring.


At the Handgun ranges, Rifle range, Archery range, and Fishing Pond = A member in good standing is allowed to have ONE guest at the range.


Trap = guests are welcome


Sporting Clays = guests are welcome


Thank you


Sporting Clays – Clay Crusher – August 9th

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Thank you to everyone who came out to our August 9th Sporting Clay event.

We hoped you enjoyed the time spent in the outdoors.

Below are the winners of the Clay Crusher Towels

Our next Sporting Clay event is September 13th.   We hope to see you all out.







Monthly Executive Meeting – August

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Good Day Everyone

Once again the monthly meeting is fast approaching and we are still under restrictions

So at this point the monthly meeting is being restricted to DIRECTORS & EXECUTIVE ONLY

Please remember that if you need to apply for the controlled deer hunt you only have until the end of this month (AUGUST)

As always remain safe at all times



Message from the President – Guests at Range

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Good day everyone

The topic of guest(s) at the range has been a popular topic with everyone since we have been allowed to reopen

Step one has been past by the EXECUTIVE & DIRECTORS at the June meeting to allow guests to the range for our PAY TO PLAY events
Example: 5-Stand, Sporting Clays, Trap

It was decided at the July meeting to wait until the August meeting to make a decision on allowing guest(s) to the range for ALL other segments

It was decided at the July meeting to open the indoor range with capacity restrictions

I would also like everyone to read the following message

It is well understood by everyone that we are currently living in a time that non of us were accustomed to and that disinfecting wipes are being used more often then Tim Hortons pours a cup of coffee
With that being said if you choose to use disinfecting wipes during your visit to the range please dispose of them in a proper manner ie: trash receptacle

If you feel that you need to dispose of your disinfecting wipes on the ground where you finished using it I am going to be BLUNT and say don’t bother coming to the range

We have members that VOLUNTEER their time to keep our facilities in tip top condition and don’t like having to pick other peoples TRASH up that are being left on the ground

Until next time stay safe and have fun

President OVR&GC


Sporting Clays – Fun in the Sun – July 12 2020

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Thanks to everyone who came out to our recent Sporting Clay Event. We hope you had fun and enjoyed being in the outdoors.  A big thanks to Clay Crusher for donating some fantastic shooting towels. These towels are excellent for carrying on your belt when out breaking targets. With these towels you will not only improve your score; you will also look amazing doing so.  We took all the participants who attended the last shoot and drew two names at random to receive these two beautiful towels.
Drum roll please…the winners are…
Ryan Bremmers
Lucas Richardson
Congratulations! We know you’ll love these great towels.
Please check out the Clay Crusher Facebook page. They are an excellent local organization who promote clay shooting, and have lots of great apparel to wear while enjoying your favorite sport.
Our next Sporting Clay shoot is August 9th
Stay safe, stay positive, and have fun.