Winter Interclub Results – Dec 15th – Oxford Sportsman Club
Posted onThis past Sunday, Feb 2nd there was another Southern Counties Winter Interclub at the Oxford Sportsman Club. We always enjoy shooting at the Oxford Sportsman Club (Verschoyle). They are well known for their large warm club house, smiling faces, fantastic targets, and not to mention their well known kitchen and fantastic food.
Congratulations to Bob Vanbelios who was high gun for Otter Valley with a 48. Nice shooting Bob !! Looks like you found the perfect choke !!
Below are the club scores:
Glencoe = 232 = 5 points = Currently 1st place overall
Otter Valley = 227 = 4 points = Currently 2nd place overall
St Thomas = 223 = 1 points = Currently 4th place overall
Verscholye = 216 = 2 points = Currently 5th place overall
Crumlin = 213 = 3 points = Currently 3rd place overall
The High Daily shooter was Joe Soos with a 49.
Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event run smoothly.
See you next Sunday, Feb 9th at The Glencoe Gun Club for another Southern Counties Winter Interclub.