
Winter Interclub Results – Dec 15th – Oxford Sportsman Club

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This past Sunday, Feb 2nd there was another Southern Counties Winter Interclub at the Oxford Sportsman Club. We always enjoy shooting at the Oxford Sportsman Club (Verschoyle). They are well known for their large warm club house, smiling faces, fantastic targets, and not to mention their well known kitchen and fantastic food.

Congratulations to Bob Vanbelios who was high gun for Otter Valley with a 48. Nice shooting Bob !! Looks like you found the perfect choke !!

Below are the club scores:

Glencoe = 232 = 5 points = Currently 1st place overall

Otter Valley = 227 = 4 points = Currently 2nd place overall

St Thomas = 223 = 1 points = Currently 4th place overall

Verscholye = 216 = 2 points = Currently 5th place overall

Crumlin = 213 = 3 points = Currently 3rd place overall

The High Daily shooter was Joe Soos with a 49.

Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event run smoothly.

See you next Sunday, Feb 9th at The Glencoe Gun Club for another Southern Counties Winter Interclub.


Winter Interclub Results – Jan 19th – St Thomas

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Today was another Southern Counties Winter Interclub Event held at the renown St. Thomas Gun Club.  The St. Thomas Gun Club holds many large events each year so we were all excited to take our turn at these wonderfully displayed targets.

Over the course of the day we experienced cloud cover, light snow, periods of sunshine, and blistering cold wind.

We even ended the day with a shoot off.  Both John Konigshofer and Joe Soos turned in a remarkable 48.

We were all on the edge of our seats as they went toe to toe until it was finally determined that OVRG’s very own John Konigshofer was the High Daily Shooter for the event.   Congratulations John !!!


Below are today’s club scores:

Glencoe = 228 = 5 points = Currently 1st place overall

Otter Valley = 224 = 4 points = Currently 2nd place overall

Crumlin = 215 = 3 points = Currently 3rd place overall

Verscholye = 213 = 2 points = Currently 5th place overall

St Thomas = 209 = 1 points = Currently 4th place overall



The High Daily shooter was John Konigshofer with a 48.


Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event run smoothly.

See you at the next Winter Interclub Sunday, Feb 2nd at The Oxford Sportsman Club (Verschoyle).








Boxing Day Event

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Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Boxing Day Event.  With all the trap shooting and sporting clays we threw roughly 14000 targets.  We saw lots of familiar faces, some we hadn’t seen since last year, and even made some new friends.

A big thank you goes out to all the volunteers who made this event possible.

We want to wish you all a Happy New Year as we look forward to all the fun events in 2020.




Winter Interclub Results – Dec 15th – Otter Valley Rod & Gun Club

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Today, Dec 15th, was the third Southern Counties Winter Interclub at Otter Valley Rod and Gun Club.   We had home field advantage today and that seemed to work to our benefit despite the weather conditions.  We started out the day with heavy snow fall and windy conditions.  Eventually the weather cleared and we were all very happy to see the sun shine and blue sky.

A big congratulations to John Konishofer and Ken Allan who were high gun for Otter Valley.  Both shooters shoot a 46 in almost white out conditions.  We were all amazed to watch these shooters make graceful moves on targets in such fierce weather conditions.


Below are today’s club scores:

Otter Valley = 226 = 5 points = Currently 2nd place overall

Glencoe = 224 = 4 points = Currently 1st place overall

Verscholye = 222 = 3 points = Currently 5th place overall

Crumlin = 221 = 2 points = Currently 4th place overall

St Thomas = 220 = 1 points = Currently 3rd place overall



The High Daily shooter was Wayne Ehgoetz with a 47.


Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event run smoothly.

See you at the next Winter Interclub Sunday, Jan 12th at Crumlin Sportsman Association.










Winter Interclub Results – Dec 1st – Glencoe

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Today, Dec 1st, was the second Southern Counties Winter Interclub at the Glencoe Sportsman Club.  We woke up to wet, cold, and windy weather conditions but that didn’t stop these trap shooters.  Trap shooters are known to be fearless and resilient….

A big congratulations to our home town hero Tex Wilson.  He was the high shooter for Otter Valley with a 45.  Nice shooting Tex !


Below are today’s club scores:

Glencoe = 243 = 5 points = Total points to date : 10

St Thomas = 228 = 4 points = Total points to date : 8

Crumlin = 222 = 3 points = Total points to date : 5.5

Otter Valley = 219 = 2 points = Total points to date : 4.5

Verscholye = 218 = 1 point = Total points to date : 2


The High Daily shooter was Shawn Taylor with a 50 straight.


Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event run smoothly.

See you at the next Winter Interclub Next Sunday, Dec 15th at Otter Valley Rod & Gun Club.










Winter Interclub Results – Nov 24th

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Today, Nov 24th, was the first Southern Counties Winter Interclub at the Oxford Sportsman Club (Verschoyle).  It was a cool November day but the sunshine kept us warm.  Verschoyle put on an excellent event complete with a warm lunch.

Congratulations to Bob Vanbelois.  He was the high shooter for Otter Valley with a 46.


Below are today’s club scores:

Glencoe = 233 = 5 points

St Thomas = 229 = 4 points

Otter Valley and Crumlin tied= 225 = 2.5 points each

Verscholye = 216 = 1 point


The High Daily shooter was Earl Brown.


Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event run smoothly.

See you at the next Winter Interclub Next Sunday, Dec 1st in Glencoe.







November Sporting Clays in the Snow

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Thank you to everyone who attended our Nov 17th Sporting Clay event.

The targets were very visible with the white snowy background; and the shooting conditions were excellent with the bright warm sun and minimal breeze.


We hope to see you all back for our Boxing Day Shoot on December 26th. We will post more details about the event as the date gets closer.

There will be Trap shooting, Buddy shoots, Annie Oakley shoots, a Warm Lunch, and Sporting Clays !!!