Wednesday, August 28 2019 was our final Summer Interclub. It was hosted by the Oxford Sportsman Club. The wind was blowing, and the targets were dancing in the wind, but that didn’t seem to bother some shooters. Bill Chilton won high gun with a 47.
The Oxford Sportsman Club won the final shoot with a score of 236 to Otter Valley’s 229. After the event was done we all enjoyed a wonderful BBQ and corn roast. A big thank you to the volunteers who helped for prepare the meal. It was delicious.
As we were enjoying the meal our team of analysis’s went to work calculating the final overall winners for the 2019 Summer Interclub Event. The data was analyzed and then it was announced…..
Otter Valley Rod & Gun Club had won the 2019 Summer Interclub!!!
Way to go Team!!!!!!!
We want to thank both clubs and all the volunteers for hosting and running these events.
A special thank you to Bob Vanbelois for organizing the event. Well done Bob!
Winner of the 2019 Summer Interclub:
Otter Valley Rod & Gun Club
Top Five Shooters for Otter Valley Rod & Gun Club
Ken Allan = 382
Emil Hartmann = 373
Germain Spriet = 368
Bill Chilton = 366
Tim Scott = 364
High 16 yard = Ken Allan and Emil Hartmann = 191
High Handicap = Emil Hartmann = 182
Top Five Shooters for the Oxford Sportsman Club (Verschoyle)
Bob Vanbelois = 371
Bob Morphy = 365
Don Vandekerckhove = 354
Ron Paret = 344
Roger Spriet = 329
High 16 yard = there was a three way tie at 168
Bob Vanbelois, Bob Morphy, Don Vandekerckhove
High Handicap = Don Vandekerckhove = 161
Congratulations to all the shooters! I can’t think of a better way to spend a summer evening then with friends at the trap field.
With the summer Interclub coming to an end our focus shifts to the Southern Counties Winter Interclub.
The first event is Sunday, November 24th at Oxford Sportsman Club (Verschoyle).
Please see the Otter Valley Rod and Gun Club trap section page for more info.
Hope to see you all there!