Sunday, Mar 12 2023 was another Southern Counties Winter Interclub hosted at the Oxford Sportsman Club (Verschoyle)
Congratulations to Shane Rogers and Verne Higgs who won high gun with a 45.
Verscholye came in first. Glencoe in second. St Thomas and Otter Valley tied for Third and Forth. And Crumlin in fifth.
Total Points:
Crumlin = 20 points
Glencoe = 31.5 points
Otter Valley = 20 points
St Thomas = 25.5 points
Oxford Sportsman = 38 points
Lewis Scores :
45 = $74
43 = $9
39 = $26
36 = $74
35 = $18
Click the link below to download the full score sheet :
2022-23 Winter Interclub__Mar 12 2022