Interclub Results

Winter Interclub Results – Mar 12 2023

Sunday, Mar 12 2023 was another Southern Counties Winter Interclub hosted at the Oxford Sportsman Club (Verschoyle)

Congratulations to Shane Rogers and Verne Higgs who won high gun with a 45.

Verscholye came in first.  Glencoe in second.  St Thomas and Otter Valley tied for Third and Forth.  And Crumlin in fifth.


Total Points:

Crumlin = 20 points

Glencoe = 31.5 points

Otter Valley = 20 points

St Thomas = 25.5 points

Oxford Sportsman = 38 points


Lewis Scores :

45 = $74

43 = $9

39 = $26

36 = $74

35 = $18


Click the link below to download the full score sheet :

2022-23 Winter Interclub__Mar 12 2022